Luke Campbell - Senior - Spring Mills
Preston Harman - Senior - Morgantown
Braxton Anderson - Senior - Wheeling Central
Daugherty - Senior - George Washington
Henry Long - Senior - George Washington Axel Bennett - Junior - Spring
Defensive Midfield William Swan - Sophomore
- Spring Mills Grant Oxley - Senior - University
Long Stick Midfield
Lorenzo Ferrera - Junior - Wheeling Central
Face Off Specialist
Grant Oxley - Senior - University
Jace Dalton - Senior - Fairmont Senior Wyatt Haynes - Junior - Linsly
School Cole Herald - Junior - Morgantown
Jay Anderson - Senior - Morgantown

Drew Allen - Junior - George Washington
Cameron Anderson - Junior - John Marshall
Grant Parshall -Senior - Wheeling Park
Dominick Stingo -Senior - Fairmont Senior
Chance Williams - Senior - Spring Mills
Evan Acciavatti - Senior - University
Defensive Midfield
Cam Neighoff -Junior - Linsly School
Debu Yi -Junior - Linsly School
Long Stick Midfield
Colin Keeley - Senior - University
Face Off Specialist Brendan Moore - Junior - Linsly
Sam Stotler - Junior - Spring Mills Andrew Johnson - Senior - Wheeling
Central Colton Thomas - Senior - Wheeling Park
Deante Suggs - Junior - Wheeling Central

Hunter Bragg - Junior - Fairmont Senior
Josiah Smith - Senior - Fairmont Senior
Ford Sutton - Junior - George Washington
Hunter Koch - Senior - Linsly School
Weston White - Junior - Morgantown
Luke Welch - Junior - Spring Mills
Caleb Chandler - Sophomore - Spring Mills
Nolan Danhires - Senior - University
Colin Carey - Sophomore - University
Connor Montgomery - Sophomore - University
Ethan Taylor - Junior - Wheeling Central
Garrett Curry - Junior - George Washington Jack Grushecky - Junior - Morgantown Josh Acevedo - Senior - Spring
Mills Will Marshall - Senior - University Daniel Kaddar - Sophomore - University Matt Muroney - Senior -
Wheeling Central Parker
Watkins - Junior - Wheeling Central Nathan Woods - Senior - Wheeling
Defensive Midfield
Frankie Pagliaro - Sophomore - Fairmont Senior
Will Marshall - Senior - University
Long Stick Midfield
Liam Cochran -Senior - Fairmont Senior
Caleb Milam - Freshman - George Washington
Andrew Heath - Sophomore - Linsly School
Nico Loeber - Freshman - Spring Mills
Austin Kuhn -Junior - Wheeling Park
Face Off Specialist
Henry Long - Senior - George Washington Gavin Jones - Junior - Spring
Mills Haji Marin - Freshman - Wheeling Central
Nate Masinter - Senior - George Washington
Isaad Keith - Junior - George Washington
Matao Dimitrioski -Junior - Linsly School
Jackson Gilbert -Senior - Linsly School
Jerrod Thomson - Freshman - Morgantown
Canaan Butcher - Senior - Spring Mills
Brandon Crawford - Senior - Spring Mills
Gavin Powroznik - Junior - University
Zeke Bailey - Senior - University
Braden Whitelatch - Junior - Wheeling Central
Luce Ferrera - Sophomore - Wheeling Central
Cameron McClure -Senior - John Marshall
Griffin Kernik - Freshman - Linsly School
Colin Parker - Sophomore - Spring Mills
Max Wiley -Sophomore - Wheeling Park
Daniel Phillips - Senior - University
Coach of the Year
Jeremy Bennett - Morgantown
Assistant Coach of the Year
Jimmy Campbell - Spring Mills

Attack Sawyer Hurley - Sophmore -
Hedgesville Nathan Lathwell -
Junior - Hedgesville
xMartinsburg Gage Bailey - Senior - Mountain
State LC xPutnam County LC from Hurricane HS
Midfield Luke
Bohnsack - Senior - Buckhannon-Upshur Will Swift - Sophomore -
Hedgesville xMartinsburg Ayden Holbert - Senior - Saint Albans
Defensive Midfield Brayden Mott - Junior - Martinsburg
Zach Erlandson - Senior - Mountain State LC xPutnam County LC
Long Stick Midfield
Jimmy Morgan - Junior - Musselman
Face Off
Jake Lathwell - Senior - Hedgesville xMartinsburg
Defense Sutton Taylor -
Senior - Hedgesville xMartinsburg Gaige Groves - Senior - Hedgesville Grant Sizemore -
Senior - Mountain State LC xPutnam County LC from Hurricane HS
Christopher Chin - Freshman - Martinsburg

Attack Logan Troppman - Sophomore - Martinsburg
Tyler Waddell - Senior -
Musselman Riley Land - Sophomore - Preston
Midfield Cole Horner - Sophomore - Martinsburg
Noah Reasbeck - Freshman - Martinsburg Ben LaPole - Senior - Musselman
Will Raines - Senior - Saint Albans
Long Stick
Midfield Bryce Carnes - Senior -
Harrison County LC from Bridgport HS
Face Off Specialist Ayden Crider - Senior -
Aaron Murphy - Senior - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS Daniel Foster - Sophomore -
Martinsburg Stephen Hindman - Sophomore - Saint Albans
John Hayes - Senior - Buckhannon-Upshur

Attack Nathan Smith
- Junior - Buckhannon-Upshur Justin Streets - Sophomore -
Buckhannon-Upshur Aiden Wilson - Senior -
Buckhannon-Upshur Shea Kendrick
- Senior - Capital
Wyatt Palmer - Junior - Capital Brock Stricklen - Senior - Capital Dylan Hinzman -
Junior - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS Liam Mayle - Senior - Harrison County LC
from Bridgeport HS
Isiah West - Senior - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS Brandon Veilleux - Junior -
Hedgesville Will Turner - Senior -
Jefferson County LC from Jefferson HS Will
Shannon - Junior - Jefferson County LC from Jefferson HS Nate Sutton - Junior - Martinsburg Will Stafford - Junior - Martinsburg Bryce Bates -
- Mountain State LC xPutnam County LC
Axel Blom - Freshman - Mountain State LC from Cabel Midland HS Trenton Whitmer - Sophomore - Musselman Gavin Albert - Sophomore
- Saint Albans
Midfield Clay Ware - Senior - Buckhannon-Upshur Jayson Lee - Sophomore - Capital
Seth Pittman - Senior - Capital John Pomeroy - Senior -
Capital James Besten - Senior - Harrison County
LC from Bridgeport HS
Brody Carnes - Junior - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS
Isaac Wetzel - Sophomore - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS
Jake Young - Freshman - Hedgesville Gus Goodwin - Junior - Jefferson County LC
from Jefferson HS Shane Rowe - Freshman - Mountain
State LC from Fairland HS
Daniel Long - Senior - Preston
Alex Wolfe - Senior - Preston
Defensive Midfield Ethan
Dowling - Sophomore - Buckhannon-Upshur Gabriel Tost - Senior - Hedgesville
Long Stick Midfield Kevin Bohnsack -
Sophomore -
Buckhannon-Upshur Jackson Griffith - Junior - Capital
Face Off Specialist Luke Bohnsack - Sophomore - Buckhannon-Upshur
Caleb Ward - Senior - Harrison County LC from Robert C. Byrd HS
Defense Dalton Atwell - Junior - Buckhannon-Upshur
Casey Boggs - Senior - Capital Thomas
Ferrell - Junior - Capital Ty
Cottrill - Sophomore - Harrison County LC from Bridgeport HS
Zak McGinnis - Freshman - Harrison County LC from Lincoln HS Wyatt Besaw - Sophomore - Hedgesville Jake Noll -
Sophomore - Jefferson County LC from Williamsport HS Dakotah Huffman - Sophomore - Martinsburg Willie Grillo -
- Mountain State LC xPutnam County LC from Huntington HS Logan Barger -
Junior - Musselman Nick Nicholson - Sophomore - Saint Albans
David Haynes - Sophomore - Capital
Dean Felty - Sophomore - Hedgesville JJ Browning - Sophomore - Mountain
State from Cabel Midland HS
Coach of the Year Tyler Blackshear -
Assistant Coach of the Year Nathan Lynch - Harrison
County LC